Friday, July 15, 2011


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) is just like a bundle of all these things:
the water piping system; the electrical lining system; the bicycle; roads and highways; the library; the printing press; the telephone; the airplane; and many more. A career in IT is not a dead-end job; it's a continuous learning and innovating of a lot of things.

      The definition of Information Technology (IT) is pretty much difficult. The term IT seemed to be very familiar but hard to express. Hearing the word Information Technology (IT), I can guess that your thinking of things related to computer and internet. Frankly speaking I also do think that way. However, I had a realization that Information Technology (IT) is a very broad space that includes those things and other familiar or unfamiliar things related to computer. But looking to its acronym itself “Information Technology”, perhaps it has something to do with information and technology relationship. Really my own definition about it didn’t go beyond to what’s Wikipedia’s definition. Information Technology is defined as “the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications”. And then, here comes another article that claims Information Technology (IT) is like a bundle of things such as the water piping system; the electrical lining system; the bicycle; roads and highways; the library; the printing press; the telephone; the airplane; and many more. In addition, IT as a career is not a dead-end job; it’s a continuous learning and innovating of a lot of things.  Reading that article helps me understand Information Technology better and enable me to define in a way that one can picture-out and easily imagine.


     Making IT analogous to that of water piping, first, water piping is a process of water flow into a pipe done with the aid of a machine specifically a machine pumper. In water piping, the process of water flow goes smoothly, easily, speedily, and directly. Similar to IT, water is compared to information or group of information maybe in text, in pictures, in videos, or in vocals that are passed, uploaded, acquired, and processed. While the machine is compared to the technology used in passing, uploading, acquiring and processing information/group of information that speeds up the whole process. The whole process of water piping is compared to the process takes place in IT, which it is done in easy, direct, and smooth manner.

      Making it analogous to electrical lining system, first, an electrical lining system is a circuit system containing mounted electronics components that has created coordination between the components and unification of their functions in the circuit. Similar to IT, IT is also a system composes of components like computer software, computer hardware, processes, the user etc., which coordinates with each other and carry out their functions to fulfill a purpose.

      Making it analogous to a bicycle, first, a bicycle is a kind of land transportation medium, where the driver needs to know how to coordinate with its parts in order for the bicycle to move without misbalancing. Similar to IT, it has medium and a user of the medium. The user should know how to use the medium, know its functions, and determines the proper input in order for the information to be acquired, processed, passed, etc.

      Making it analogous to roads and highways, first, roads and highways are the way where we and vehicles pass. Similar to IT, through IT information can be passed, processed, and acquired by one person to another, and technology serves as the roads and highways while the information serves as the passers.

      Making it analogous to the library, first, library is the storage of information, it is where one reads, searches, and acquires knowledge. Similar to IT, through IT everybody can gain knowledge not only the students. Everybody can acquire sets of information whether new or old. Like in the library information are stored systematically, information are grouped accordingly and therefore it is also acquired in the same manner.

      Making it analogous to the printing press, first, the printing press produces books, store house of information. The printing press produces the book depending on what the owner wants to be produced. Similar to IT, through IT information are produced maybe in hard copy, depending on the input made.

      Making it analogous to a telephone, first, through telephone we can receive and send information immediately even at distant person. Similar to IT, information is sent and received even exchanged between two or more distant persons. Therefore there is communication built. We became connected with each other.

      Making it analogous to the airplane, first, airplane carries and transport people across oceans, islands to other islands through the air. In IT, information or grouped of information is carried and transported not only to neighboring islands and continents but around the world even in outer space like that of the communication that takes place between astronauts.

      Those are just some of the many things that one can compare IT to make it understandable. It’s just so that we can narrow this amazingly broad word Information Technology (IT). From the word narrowing, it means that IT isn’t only limited to the above analogies. Just make the above as your basis and imagine this on your own.

      It is also said that a career in IT is not a dead-end job; it's a continuous learning and innovating of a lot of things. It simply implies that IT does not just stop, or it is not just until there, there are still many things to uncover, to know, to be revealed, maybe new techniques, new ways, new processes, or new sets of technologies, new ideas, inventions for as long as man exist, he tries, discovers, formulates, continue to create because as long as he breathe his learning process does not stop.

      Now Information Technology is made clearer. I can define it in my own words. For me Information Technology is a process where information or knowledge is gained or acquired, send or passed, stored, and processed through the use of technology. Information Technology is subject to changes, some ideas might be improvised or might be changed and some new ideas might be added.

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